13 tactics that work to get 100k Facebook likes

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Growing a Facebook page isn’t easy. For one, creating good content to post on your page already requires lots of market research and creative juices.

Then there’s the challenge of ensuring that you’re reaching the right people. And even if you do manage to land on your target audience’s news feed, getting them to actually like your page and engage with your posts is an entirely different battle on its own.

In this article, we’ll talk about the 13 best tactics you can explore to get thousands of likes on your Facebook page. Now, fair warning: it’s not going to be easy. You’re likely going to run into a few mistakes and miscalculations here and there, but those are pretty much unavoidable.

Still, the fact that you’re here reading this article is a really good starting point. Study the following tips and tricks, carefully assess which ones you could benefit from the most, and work your way to 100k. Let’s dive right in!

1.   Invite your friends and family

For many marketers out there, this one’s a basic tactic. But for some reason, lots of page owners tend to overlook this step!

Inviting your Facebook friends to like your page is one of the easiest ways to get a couple dozen page fans (or a couple hundred, depending on how much of a social butterfly you are). These are the people who already know and trust you, so they’ll be more likely to give your page a like than, say, an internet stranger.

2.   Use Facebook ads

One of the easiest ways to give your page likes a boost is by using Facebook Ads. You can customize your campaigns depending on the end goal you want, and increasing your engagement and visibility is one of the options offered by Facebook.

3.   Invest in viral content creation

It’s now easier to go viral than ever before, thanks to Facebook’s share- and tag-friendly platform. Of course, you can’t put out mediocre content and expect your page to blow up. You’re going to have to invest time and energy in coming up with viral-worthy posts, but it’s going to be more than worth it once you hit the gold mine.

4.   Buy likes for that initial boost

How a post fares in the first few hours is crucial to how popular it ends up becoming. If a post barely gets any comments and likes right after posting, Facebook’s algorithm will interpret it negatively and likely classify your content as unappealing. It will push the content down the feed and away from your target audience’s eyes.

Because of this, many pages buy Facebook likes to boost their posts’ performance, especially within the first few hours of posting. Giving your posts a boost through paid likes is one of the easiest and most convenient tactics to promote your page.

5.   Hold a contest

Holding a competition is a great way to engage your audience and attract new customers. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can ask participants to answer a question or post a meaningful photo that connects with your brand, and then give a small prize to a couple of winners.

6.   Run a giveaway

This one’s similar to holding a contest, but instead of asking them to submit photos or comments, you can simply ask them to like your page, share a post, and follow your other socials for a chance to win.

7.   Take advantage of Facebook Live

Livestreaming is becoming more and more popular these days, partly due to the pandemic forcing people to stay at home. Lots of stores benefit from showcasing their products on Facebook Live. Influencers and gurus can also hold meaningful Q&A and coaching sessions to attract new followers.

8.   Form partnerships with other pages

Getting a shoutout from another page might just be the push you need on Facebook.  Pick a brand with a similar audience (of course, you should avoid direct competitors). For example, if you sell swimsuits online, you could partner up with a sunscreen company and promote each others’ pages.

9.   Tap into influencer marketing

Influencers are the new changemakers, and choosing the right person to promote your brand can end up as one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies you can adopt. Don’t be afraid to reach out to micro-influencers! Who knows, maybe some of them are already fans of your brand to begin with.

10. Up your engagement

When crafting posts on Facebook, always do it to engage your audience. These days, building relationships with customers is crucial. It’s something that smaller brands can take advantage of since bigger companies typically don’t have the capacity to personally connect with their clients.

11. Post unique content

Content that is unique and relatable is more likely to be shared through social media. Sure, virality is cool, too. But reposting the same viral video five times might turn off a potential customer. Worse, your page might even be viewed as spammy if it’s filled with generic content.

12.Feature your Facebook page on your website

Lots of brand owners and small businesses miss out on this one. But if you already have a steady stream of visitors on your website, take advantage of that traffic by making sure your socials are bannered on your homepage.

13.Scope out the competition

Lastly, don’t be afraid to check out what your competitors are doing. Find out what works for them and try to adopt the same principles (ideally in a better manner) to grow your own Facebook page.

Getting 100k likes on Facebook is a feat that requires dedication, effort, and lots and lots of patience. Don’t get discouraged if your first several attempts don’t result in a barrage of likes. It just doesn’t work that way.

Still, these tried-and-tested tactics should significantly help you in achieving your target follower count. Keep in mind that smart, targeted, and meaningful marketing is key.

Read more:
13 tactics that work to get 100k Facebook likes

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